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Search results

  1. Elfin

    Open Hybrid's War

    Private Godfrey murmured a yes sir without looking up, focused entirely on the island that they would soon arrive at. More Hybrids were gather on the beach. A small green creature looked up at him.. no, just at the boat. Not him. There was something disturbing about them seeing him, a person who...
  2. Elfin

    Open Hybrid's War

    Simon looked out across the ocean at the island. They were close now. Soon they'd be there. Soon. Mimi was curled up on his lap, sleeping. Scratching the Furret's ear, he felt a small tinge of regret. The Hybrids were people. Wouldn't killing them be murder? Was this right? Of course it is! They...
  3. Elfin

    Open Hybrid's War

    Celia shifted to full Celebi mode and floated through the trees. She sat down on a branch of one and morphed back into her half-human form. Her favorite. So pretty.. Even when it was quiet here, though.. she still could not forget what would soon happen. The attacking soldiers. She just hoped...
  4. Elfin

    Open Hybrid's War

    What the heck, I'll make a human character. C: Name: Private Simon Godfrey Gender: Male Age: 19 Side: Humans Pokemon: Male Typhlosion (Red) Shiny Female Milotic (Valentine) Female Furret (Mimi) History: Simon is just an average guy, really. He was a trainer since he was a kid, and has the...
  5. Elfin

    Open Hybrid's War

    Name: Celia (Horrible pun~) Gender: Female Age: 19 Side: Hybrids Pokemon: Celebi History: Celia lived a normal life; yes, too normal for her taste. Everything was so dull, even herself. She didn't like talking to people and hated how she was exactly the same as everyone else, at least to her...
  6. Elfin

    Open Hybrid's War

    Can I reserve a spot as a Celebi-Hybrid? I don't have time to make a good form at the moment.
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